2023 Business Goals

How to stay on track to your goals this 2023

The start of a new year is not too different from the start of a marathon. A lot of people and businesses set out with oodles of enthusiasm and a rush of wild energy. Soon enough, both end up running out of steam and lagging behind other better-planned runners or businesses.

An experienced marathoner himself, Gaurav (Rav) Mendiratta (Founder, SocioSquares) understands the perils of getting into both, a challenging new year and a marathon without following the right process and finding the right people.

The right process. In a marathon, this will enable you to set and alter your pace in a way that ensures you keep moving forward without burning out earlier on. In business, this will help you move towards your goals without having to stop, slow down or go off track for reasons that could have been avoided. 

The right people. Who you run with makes a difference to how well you run; choose a group that’s fast from the get-go and you increase your chances of an early burn out. Choose a group that begins slow and picks up the pace at all the right times, and you stand your best chance of not only making it to the finish line but also setting your personal best along the way. Likewise, in business, the people you surround yourself with play a role in determining how smoothly your business progresses toward its goals. Choose people with the right skills and experience and you’ll find yourself maintaining a steady momentum, on the path to success.

So how do you get your business to the finish line this 2023? At SocioSquares, we believe the answer lies in making business processes more efficient and functional teams more aptly skilled to ensure excellence in the services delivered. It’s a strategy we believe will prove helpful in getting your business to your goals. May you have a successful year ahead.

Attract success with your thoughts, this 2023

Attract success with your thoughts, this 2023

If you’ve ever tried hearing your echo when amidst mountains, the universe kind of works on a somewhat similar theory. It hears your strongest thoughts and desires and then bounces it back in the form of happenings or circumstances that make these thoughts and desires manifest in reality. Rhonda Byrne’s Law of Attraction sums up the universe’s working style perfectly in her global bestseller ‘The Secret’. In short, your thoughts attract the people, developments and events that happen in your day to day.

Our Founder had a recent experience that corroborates the theory of a ‘listening universe’. It was a week when Gaurav (Rav) Mendiratta had one thing foremost on his mind. 2 new leads that would lead to 2 new client meetings in order for his business’ growth plan to stay on track. There must have been quite some decibel power in Rav’s wish because the universe definitely heard and certainly responded. He landed up with exactly 2 – not 1, 3 or 4 but 2 leads in his next business networking meeting. That too, without going out of his way to get them; the opportunities simply came to him.

This might be a great thought for businesses to begin their new year with. If the universe can indeed align future events in sync with our thoughts, then why not resolve to harbor thoughts and aspirations that are positive and progressive all through 2023? Think about where you want to be, think about how big or successful you want to get, think about how you want customers to perceive you, think about how you want to stand out, and so on. Use the law of attraction to not just think about visions and goals but to make them happen.