7 Essential Digital Marketing Trends You Cannot Ignore in 2019

If there is one thing that can be said about marketing, is that it’s continually changing. This being said, if you want to go where your audience is, you need to be online. Digital marketing has been steadily growing and evolving since the late ’90s and this year brings with it its own set of changes and upgrades.

Digital Mavericks Podcast: Episode 2

There’s no denying that influencer marketing works. From improving brand awareness to impacting purchase decisions, and eventually converting brand loyalty to brand advocacy, Influencer marketing is the oldest go-to marketing tactic in the book.

Digital Mavericks Podcast: Episode 1

It’s easy to fall behind when it comes to choosing the best method of marketing your brand in the ever-changing digital space.

Listen in, as we break down the trends that the savviest marketers predicted for 2018, the ones that really took flight, and the ones that few saw coming!