Humans vs AI: When to Use Which for Your Website’s Success

Originally published on LinkedIn.

The digital world is constantly evolving, and with it, the tools available to build and manage a successful website. Two major forces shaping this landscape are artificial intelligence (AI) and human expertise. But when it comes to your website, which should you use for what tasks? This article explores the strengths and weaknesses of AI and humans in website building, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), paid advertising, and more, to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding AI and Humans for Website Management


AI refers to computer programs that can mimic human intelligence. In website management, AI takes the form of algorithms and tools that automate tasks, analyze data, and even generate creative content.

  • Speed and Efficiency: AI excels at handling large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. It can analyze website traffic patterns, identify trends, and optimize content in a fraction of the time it takes a human.
  • 24/7 Availability: AI tools are tireless. They can work around the clock, monitoring your website and suggesting improvements without breaks.
  • Reduced Bias: AI decisions are based on data, not emotions. This can be helpful in tasks like A/B testing (comparing different website elements) where human subjectivity can cloud judgment.
  • Limited Creativity: While AI can generate content, it often lacks the originality and emotional intelligence of a human writer.
  • Difficulty with Complexity: AI struggles with tasks that require complex decision-making, understanding context, or adapting to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Explainability Issues: AI’s decision-making process can sometimes be a black box, making it hard to understand why it suggests a particular course of action.


Human expertise brings a unique blend of creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to the table.

  • Creativity and Innovation: Humans can come up with fresh ideas and solutions, write compelling content that resonates with audiences, and adapt to changing situations.
  • Understanding Context: Humans can grasp the nuances of language, user behavior, and brand identity, making better decisions that align with your website’s goals.
  • The Human Touch: Humans can build relationships with customers, address complex issues, and provide a personal touch that AI simply can’t replicate.
  • Time Constraints and Bias: Humans can be limited by time and can be susceptible to unconscious bias in decision-making.
  • Scalability: It’s expensive and time-consuming to scale up human efforts compared to using AI for repetitive tasks.

AI vs Humans: A Breakdown by Task

Now, let’s delve deeper into how AI and humans can complement each other in specific website management tasks:

Website Building

  • AI: AI-powered website builders are great for creating basic, functional websites with drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-designed templates. This is ideal for small businesses or individuals who need a quick and easy online presence.
  • Humans: While AI builders offer convenience, they lack the flexibility to create a truly unique and brand-specific website. For a more customized website that reflects your brand identity and caters to your specific needs, a human web developer is the way to go.


  • AI: AI tools can analyze your website content and identify areas for improvement based on SEO best practices. They can also monitor keyword rankings and suggest content updates to stay relevant.
  • Humans: AI can be a valuable SEO assistant, but it can’t replace a human SEO specialist. Humans understand the ever-changing search engine algorithms and can create high-quality, targeted content that attracts organic traffic. Additionally, SEO involves building backlinks (links from other websites to yours), which requires strategic outreach, a task best suited for humans.

Content Marketing

  • AI: AI can help generate content ideas, headlines, and even basic blog posts. However, these posts often lack the depth, voice, and emotional connection needed to truly engage an audience.
  • Humans: While AI can be a starting point, human content creators can craft compelling and informative content that resonates with your target audience. They can also tailor content to different platforms and formats (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics).

Paid Advertising

  • AI: AI can automate tasks like bidding on keywords for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and optimizing ad campaigns based on real-time data.
  • Humans: AI can streamline the process, but human expertise is crucial for campaign strategy, audience targeting, and creative development. Humans can analyze the data provided by AI and make informed decisions about budget allocation, ad copywriting, and landing page optimization.

Customer Service

  • AI: Chatbots powered by AI can answer basic customer questions, provide 24/7 support, and handle simple transactions.
  • Humans: While AI chatbots can be helpful, they can’t handle complex inquiries or situations requiring empathy and understanding. Humans are essential for building rapport with customers, resolving escalated issues, and providing a personalized customer experience.

The Winning Formula: Collaboration, not Competition

Here’s the key takeaway: AI and humans aren’t competitors in website management; they’re powerful allies. The most successful websites leverage the strengths of both.

Here are some tips for a winning collaboration:

  • Identify Repetitive Tasks: Use AI to automate repetitive tasks like data analysis, keyword research, and basic content generation. This frees up human time for more strategic thinking and creative endeavors.
  • Focus on Human Strengths: Let humans handle tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, such as crafting brand messaging, building relationships with customers, and developing content strategy.
  • Use AI as a Tool: Don’t blindly follow AI suggestions. Use AI as a tool to inform your decisions, but always exercise human oversight and critical thinking.
  • Invest in the Right Skills: As AI continues to evolve, focus on developing the human skills that complement it. This includes skills like communication, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

By embracing a collaborative approach, you can leverage the power of AI to streamline your workflow, while harnessing human ingenuity to create a truly successful website that stands out from the crowd.

The Future of AI and Humans in Website Management

The future of website management is bright and collaborative. We can expect AI to become even more sophisticated, offering even more advanced tools and insights. However, human expertise will continue to be vital for strategic decision-making, creative thinking, and building meaningful connections with your audience. As technology continues to evolve, the key will be to find the right balance between AI automation and human creativity to ensure your website thrives in the digital world.


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Multi-Location Marketing Success: Strategies for SEO and Paid Ads

Originally published on LinkedIn.

For businesses that operate across multiple locations, the challenge of maintaining a consistent yet tailored marketing strategy can be quite significant. To achieve success in marketing for such enterprises, it is crucial to strike a balance between national branding and local relevance. This can be effectively achieved through the implementation of multi-location SEO and paid advertising strategies. In this article, we will explore best practices for multi-location businesses, focusing on how to manage SEO and paid ads for optimal results.

Multi-Location SEO

Managing Google Business Profiles at Scale

Google Business Profiles play a crucial role in local SEO. For multi-location businesses, managing these profiles can be a complex task, but it is essential for ensuring that each location is accurately represented online. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Consistency: It is important to ensure that basic information such as the business name, address, phone number (NAP), and operating hours are consistent across all locations. Any discrepancies can confuse customers and harm search rankings.
  • Verification: Each location should be individually verified, as this can significantly improve local search visibility.
  • Regular Updates: Keeping all information up-to-date is crucial, including temporary changes such as holiday hours.
  • Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly. This can help boost local SEO and build trust with potential customers.

To streamline the management of multiple profiles, there are tools available that are specifically designed for enterprise-level SEO. These tools allow for bulk updates and monitoring, making the process more efficient.

Understanding National vs. Local Search Intent and Keywords

When it comes to multi-location SEO, it is important to understand the difference between national and local search intent and keywords. This understanding will enable businesses to tailor their SEO strategy to target the right audience at the right time.

  • National Search Intent: This refers to broader queries about products or services that are not location-specific. When creating content targeting these keywords, it is important to focus on brand messaging and universal customer value propositions.
  • Local Search Intent: This involves queries where the user’s intent is to find something within a specific geographic area. Keywords used for local search intent should include location-specific terms and satisfy local information needs.

By distinguishing between national and local search intent, businesses can optimize their SEO strategy to effectively target their desired audience.

Building Websites and Location Pages for Multi-Location Businesses

Building a website for a multi-location business requires careful organization and attention to detail in order to effectively cater to each location’s unique needs. Here are some key considerations:

  • Homepage and Main Pages: The homepage and main pages should effectively communicate the overarching brand and value across all locations.
  • Individual Location Pages: Each location should have its own dedicated page, optimized with local keywords, unique local content, and location-specific meta data.
  • Mobile-Responsiveness: It is crucial to ensure that the website is mobile-friendly, as many local searches are conducted on mobile devices.
  • Local Schema Markup: Implementing structured data markup can help search engines understand location-specific information, improving overall search visibility.

By creating dedicated pages for each location, businesses can effectively cater to local SEO and provide a personalized experience for their users.

Paid Ads for Multi-Location Businesses

Paid advertisements are a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic and increasing visibility for each location of a multi-location business. Here are some strategies to consider when implementing paid ad campaigns:

Targeting Specific Locations

  • Geo-Targeting: Utilize geo-targeting in your ad campaigns to show ads to users in specific locations.
  • Local Keywords: Incorporate location-based keywords into your ad campaigns to ensure relevance.
  • Ad Customizers: Take advantage of ad customizers to dynamically insert location information based on where the user is searching.

Optimizing Ad Campaigns

  • Separate Campaigns: Consider creating separate campaigns for each location to have greater control over budgets and targeting.
  • Ad Scheduling: Tailor ad schedules to the peak business hours of each location for maximum impact.
  • Local Landing Pages: Direct users to the specific location page from the ad to provide a cohesive and personalized experience.

Measuring Success

SEO Performance Metrics

  • Organic Traffic: Utilize analytics tools to track the volume of organic traffic coming to your website. Segregate this data by location to identify which regions are drawing in more visitors through search engines.
  • Search Engine Rankings: Regularly monitor the search engine rankings for location-specific keywords. This will help you understand how visible each location is in search results and identify areas for SEO improvement.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Evaluate the CTR from search results to your location pages. A low CTR might indicate that your meta titles and descriptions aren’t compelling or relevant enough to prompt clicks.

Google My Business Insights

  • GMB Analytics: Google My Business provides valuable insights into how customers interact with your business listings. Pay attention to metrics such as the number of profile views, actions taken (calls, website visits, direction requests), and photo views.
  • Review Analysis: Regularly assess the quantity and quality of reviews for each location. High ratings and positive feedback can boost local SEO, while negative reviews might require reputation management efforts.

Paid Advertising Metrics

  • Impressions and Clicks: Track the number of impressions and clicks for your ads to assess visibility and interest. Break down these metrics by location to determine regional performance.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Monitor the CPC to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of your ads. A high CPC might indicate a need to refine your targeting or bidding strategy.
  • Conversion Rate: Measure how many clicks lead to conversions, such as form submissions, newsletter sign-ups, or transactions. Analyze conversion rates by location to see which ads are driving the most valuable actions.

Advanced Tracking Techniques

  • Multi-Channel Funnels: Use tools like Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels to see how various marketing channels contribute to conversions. This can reveal the combined effectiveness of SEO and paid ads.
  • Heatmaps: Implement heatmap tools on your location pages to see where visitors click and how they navigate your site. This can inform design and content choices to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Utilizing Reporting Tools

  • Custom Dashboards: Create custom dashboards in your analytics platforms to view key performance indicators (KPIs) for each location at a glance.
  • Regular Reporting: Set up regular reporting intervals to compare performance over time and keep stakeholders informed about marketing outcomes.


To sum it up, managing the SEO and paid ads for a multi-location business requires careful planning and strategic execution. By claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profiles, tailoring your websites and location pages, and effectively utilizing paid ads, you can achieve multi-location marketing success. We encourage you to implement these strategies and closely monitor your results. Remember, optimizing your digital marketing efforts is an ongoing process, so don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way. Good luck on your multi-location marketing journey!

If you need assistance with implementing these strategies or want to learn more about how SocioSquares can support your digital marketing efforts, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you succeed!


Google New Core Update Banner

Google Announces New Core Algorithm Update for Search: What it Means for You?

Originally published on LinkedIn.

Google recently announced a new update to its core search algorithm, aiming to deliver a better user experience by reducing spam and weeding out low-quality content. While this might cause short-term fluctuations in search traffic, it ultimately benefits everyone relying on Google to find trustworthy information.


Have you ever been disappointed by top search results that were irrelevant or unhelpful? Google has taken note. This update builds upon their “low-quality downranking project” from 2022 and significantly expands their anti-spam efforts. Here’s a breakdown of their focus areas:

Unhelpful content reduction

Google aims for a drastic reduction (40% according to their announcement) in unhelpful content shown in search results. This includes content created with the sole purpose of ranking well in search engines, rather than providing value to users.

AI-Generated Content

The update specifically targets “scaled content abuse,” which includes content mass-produced using automated techniques, including some AI-generated content. This tackles the issue of websites churning out low-quality content to game the search engine.

Enhanced Spam-Fighting

Google is making several updates to its spam policies to address new and evolving tactics used to create unoriginal, low-quality content. These tactics include:

  • Scaled content abuse: This update broadens the scope beyond purely automated content. Google will now target content produced at scale to boost search ranking, regardless of the creation method (human, AI, or combination). This tackles low-value content like pages masquerading as answers to popular searches.
  • Site reputation abuse: Websites with good content might host low-quality content from third parties trying to leverage the site’s reputation. Google will now consider such low-value, third-party content as spam, especially if there’s minimal oversight from the website owner. (Enforcement starts May 5, 2024)
  • Expired domain abuse: Purchasing expired domains to host low-quality content can mislead users. Google now considers this tactic spam.


So, how will this impact your everyday searches? Here’s the good news:

More trustworthy results

Google wants to surface the most reliable and informative content. This means you’re less likely to stumble upon misleading or spammy websites, including those that might rely heavily on AI-generated content without proper human oversight.

Greater relevance

The update targets content that doesn’t directly address your search query. Expect to see results more tailored to your specific needs, even if those results aren’t purely human-written.

A smoother search experience

By filtering out low-quality content, Google aims to deliver a more streamlined search process, allowing you to find what you’re looking for faster.


The impact on AI-generated content is a bit of a double-edged sword:

Potential for Downranking

AI-generated content can be a valuable tool, but it can also be misused to create low-quality, repetitive content. This update might negatively affect websites that rely heavily on unedited AI-generated content, as it might be flagged as unhelpful.

Opportunity for High-Quality AI Content

However, the update doesn’t penalize the use of AI itself. If you use AI-generated content as a starting point and then edit and refine it to ensure it’s high-quality, informative, and addresses user needs directly, you might benefit. Google can detect well-crafted content, regardless of its origin.

Overall, Google’s core algorithm update is a positive development for searchers.  By prioritizing quality and user experience, Google aims to make searching the web a more productive and trustworthy experience. As with any update, there might be some initial adjustments, but in the long run, everyone benefits from a search engine that delivers the most relevant and reliable results, including high-quality AI-generated content.


If you manage a website, it might be a good time to revisit your content strategy, especially if you use AI-generated content. Here are some tips:

  • Ensure all content, AI-generated or not, is high-quality, informative, and directly addresses user needs.

  • Edit and refine AI-generated content to ensure it’s clear, concise, and factually accurate.

  • Focus on creating content that provides value to your audience and establishes your website as a trustworthy source.

Ultimately, Google’s update prioritizes quality and user experience, making searching the web a more productive and trustworthy experience for everyone. By focusing on creating valuable content, website owners can thrive in the evolving search landscape, whether the content is human-written or AI-assisted.

Omnichannel Banner

Omnichannel Marketing: Creating a Seamless Customer Experience

Originally published on LinkedIn.

Consumers expect your presence wherever they are. They seamlessly switch between online and offline channels, researching, browsing, and making purchases across various touchpoints. Customers expect a smooth and consistent experience no matter how they interact with your brand. This is where omnichannel marketing comes in.


Omnichannel marketing is the strategic integration of all your marketing channels, both online and offline, to create a unified and personalized journey for your customers. It goes beyond simply using multiple channels; it’s about ensuring those channels work together seamlessly to provide a unified experience. In other words, omnichannel means customers get the same experience with a company, whether online, in-store, on the phone, or anywhere else.


The benefits of omnichannel marketing are numerous:

  • Increased customer satisfaction: By providing a seamless experience across all touchpoints, you build trust and loyalty with your customers. They’ll appreciate the ease of scheduling and managing their roof replacement project, regardless of the channel.
  • Improved brand perception: A consistent brand voice and messaging across all platforms reinforces your brand identity and fosters a stronger connection with potential customers who are looking for a reliable roofing service.
  • Enhanced marketing effectiveness: Omnichannel strategies leverage the strengths of different channels, allowing you to reach your target audience more effectively and efficiently. This can lead to increased qualified leads and booked appointments.


  • Develop a customer journey map: Understand the different touchpoints homeowners have with your roofing company, from initial awareness to project completion and beyond. This helps you tailor your messaging and content to each stage of the journey.
  • Ensure consistent branding: Maintain a consistent brand voice, visuals, and messaging across all channels, including your website, social media, email marketing, and offline materials like brochures and flyers.
  • Personalize your communications: Leverage customer data to personalize your marketing messages and offers based on the homeowner’s specific needs and location. This makes your communications more relevant and engaging.
  • Optimize for different devices: Ensure your website and online booking system are responsive and user-friendly across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Integrate your channels: Break down silos between your marketing channels and ensure they work together seamlessly. This allows you to track customer interactions across different touchpoints and provide a more unified experience.
  • Invest in customer relationship management (CRM) tools: These tools help you manage customer data and interactions across different channels, allowing for better personalization, communication, and project management.
  • Track and analyze results: Regularly monitor the performance of your omnichannel campaigns and use the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategies for future campaigns.


Here’s an example of how a roofing company can leverage omnichannel marketing:

  • Step 1: A homeowner sees a targeted social media ad showcasing the company’s expertise in replacing roofs.
  • Step 2: The homeowner searches for “roof replacement” on Google and sees a targeted ad from the same roofing company appearing at the top of the search results page or alongside relevant search results. This ad reinforces the message from the social media ad and increases the chances of the homeowner clicking through to the company’s website.
  • Step 3: They visit the company’s website on their phone to learn more about their services and request a free inspection.
  • Step 4: They receive a personalized email with a link to schedule an appointment online or by phone.
  • Step 5: A roofing specialist visits the homeowner’s house to conduct a thorough inspection and discuss their specific needs and budget.
  • Step 6: The homeowner receives a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, materials, and estimated timeline via email.
  • Step 7: After the project is completed, the homeowner receives a follow-up email with care instructions and information about the company’s warranty

In this example, the homeowner’s experience is consistent and informative across all touchpoints, from initial awareness to project completion. This builds trust and confidence, making them more likely to choose this company for future roof repair needs and recommend them to others.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a seamless and personalized customer experience for potential and existing clients, leading to increased customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and a thriving roof replacement business. Remember, omnichannel marketing is an ongoing process, so be prepared to adapt and refine your approach as your customers’ needs and marketing trends evolve.

Negative Reviews into Asset Banner

Why Negative Reviews Are a Hidden Asset for Businesses

Originally published on Linkedin.

According to research conducted by the Spiegel Research Center, 95% of shoppers make it a point to peruse online reviews before making purchasing decisions. Customer feedback plays a crucial role in shaping a company’s reputation and influencing consumer behavior. While businesses often strive for glowing reviews, negative feedback, surprisingly, can offer unique benefits. This article delves into the unexpected advantages of negative reviews and provides actionable strategies for businesses to turn criticism into a catalyst for growth and customer loyalty.


Consumers’ perceptions of negative reviews are more complex than many businesses might expect. Rather than deterring potential customers, a reasonable number of negative reviews can actually lend credibility to a product or service. Shoppers are often skeptical of products that only have glowing reviews, suspecting them to be too good to be true. Negative feedback, when balanced with positive reviews, helps to paint a more realistic picture, allowing consumers to make more informed decisions. Importantly, how a company responds to negative reviews can significantly influence consumer sentiment, with thoughtful and empathetic responses often mitigating the impact of the criticism itself.



Consumers tend to trust businesses more when they see a mix of positive and negative reviews. This balance lends authenticity to a company’s online presence. Research indicates that products with average ratings between 4.2 and 4.5 are more likely to be purchased than those with perfect scores, as a spectrum of feedback is perceived as more genuine.


Negative reviews serve as a direct line of insight into areas where a business may be falling short. This feedback is invaluable for identifying and addressing product or service shortcomings, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


How a business responds to criticism can significantly impact its reputation. Addressing negative reviews with promptness and professionalism demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction, potentially turning dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.


Utilizing negative feedback to enhance products or services can give businesses a leg up on competitors who may ignore such valuable insights.


The varied keywords in negative reviews can inadvertently improve a business’s search engine rankings, increasing online visibility and potentially driving more traffic to their site.



Developing a consistent and professional approach to addressing negative feedback is crucial. Responses should align with the brand’s voice and convey a genuine willingness to address and resolve the customer’s concerns.


Timely responses to negative reviews can mitigate their impact and demonstrate the business’s dedication to rectifying issues. This can help rebuild customer trust and even convert critics into loyal customers.


Acknowledging a customer’s dissatisfaction and showing empathy can be more effective in rebuilding a relationship than defensive or dismissive responses. Empathy shows that the business values its customers and is committed to improving their experience.


Negative reviews are an opportunity to showcase a business’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Publicly addressing and rectifying issues highlighted in negative feedback can enhance a company’s reputation.


Regularly analyzing negative reviews for patterns or recurring issues can provide valuable insights that inform product development, customer service training, and operational improvements, leading to a better overall customer experience.

It’s essential to recognize the role of efficient review management in building trust and credibility. Platforms like Propel can be instrumental in this regard, offering businesses a straightforward solution to manage and showcase their reviews effectively. Propel simplifies the process of consolidating feedback across various platforms, enabling businesses to enhance their online reputation effortlessly.


Far from being merely detrimental, negative reviews can act as valuable assets for businesses that approach them constructively. They present an opportunity to reinforce credibility, obtain insightful feedback, demonstrate exceptional customer service, and secure a competitive edge. By adopting a proactive stance towards negative reviews, businesses can turn potential obstacles into avenues for improvement, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving long-term success.


Originally published on LinkedIn

Whether you’re a digital marketer, manager, director, or even a passionate student, 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year! Imagine a vibrant gathering where industry pros, advertisers, media mavens, PR experts, influencers, and many others converge. It’s not just about absorbing knowledge; it’s about forging invaluable connections and staying at the forefront of industry updates.

If you’re part of this vibrant industry, mark these events on your calendar because these are the ones that are ranking high on our must-attend list! Get ready to immerse yourself in a year of learning, networking, and shaping the future of digital strategies.


Date: January 7–9, 2024

Location: Florida

Link: Lead Generation World

Industry experts gather at this event to guide you through improving your lead generation campaign from start to finish. The event focuses on helping you understand lead generation and offers valuable advice for advertisers and those looking to buy leads. Plus, it’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with potential partners for future collaborations.


Date: February 18–20, 2024

Location: San Diego, CA

Link: Social Media Marketing World

The event is tailored for marketers aiming to enhance their outcomes. Experts share the newest trends and strategies, offering guidance on effective implementation. As a result, you’ll see better Returns on Investment(ROI) for each campaign you run.


Date: February 21–24, 2024

Location: Bonita Springs, FL

Link: MediaPost- Publishing Insider Summit

The summit features keynotes, case studies, and panels with industry leaders. It’s a prime chance to learn from and connect with the best minds in the business.


Date: March 26-28, 2024

Location: Las Vegas and Virtual

Link: Adobe Summit

The summit offers various opportunities to build and strengthen your skills with more than 200 in-person sessions.  It’s a special opportunity to connect and build relationships with Adobe experts and fellow attendees and speakers.


Date: April 8–10, 2024

Location: Hollywood, FL

Link: 2024 ANA AI for Marketers Conference

AI advancements automate tasks, freeing marketers to dive into creative endeavors and brainstorm unique ideas. Industry leaders will guide you on integrating AI into marketing, discussing associated risks and challenges with real-life case studies. You will find inspiration in existing brands already applying these innovations.


Date: April 16–18, 2024

Location: Intercontinental, Miami

Link: PI Live USA

The event bridges brands and retailers with publishers, creators, and tech experts to foster partnerships with similar professionals and brands. You’ll uncover strategies to reach consumers at all sales funnel stages. The event’s core goal is to guide the industry toward measurable, results-driven marketing.


Date: May 8-9, 2024

Location: Los Angeles, USA

Link: StrategicMarketingWest2024

With horizontal tracks and vertical themes, designed in collaboration with the Reuters Events marketing community and speakers, the agenda is focused on transforming marketing to deliver on the huge opportunities of 2024-25. SM24 will equip leaders with the tools and strategies they need to drive innovation and growth.


Date: June 3-4, 2024

Location: Seattle and Virtual

Link: MozCon

MozCon invites digital marketers from various sectors looking to enhance their SEO knowledge. The 2024 agenda for MozCon is in the works. Stay updated by following their event page for the latest details.


Date: June 3-5, 2024

Location: Denver, CO

Link: GartnerMarketingExpo

Gartner says that it is “The World’s Most Important Gathering of CMOs and Marketing Executives”. Attendees have access to more than 150 sessions of the latest Gartner research specifically designed to help marketing leaders meet the demands of the future. Each track has a particular area of focus that helps deliver what matters most to you and your organization.


Date: July 17–19, 2024

Location: Los Angeles and Virtual

Link: 2024ANAConference

This conference will explore an exclusive online content portfolio of best practices, case studies, and research that connects you to the knowledge and resources you need to become a smarter, more capable marketer.


Date: July 31–August 1, 2024

Location: Seattle

Link: Seattle Interactive Conference

This conference will explore the intersection of technology, creativity, and digital marketing and discover innovations in experience, design, and strategies. It’s not just about insights; it’s a chance for attendees to build connections and fortify relationships.


Date: September 10–12, 2024

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Link: MAICON2024

Organized by the Marketing AI Institute, MAICON (Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference) is a yearly event that aims to educate marketers on the benefits of AI in automating tasks, improving marketing, and providing personalized customer experiences.


Date: September 18–20, 2024

Location: Boston, MA

Link: Inbound

INBOUND hosted by HubSpot is like a lively hub and a smart guide rolled into one. It gathers the best work, culture, and ideas to move things forward for everyone’s benefit. This conference is where new careers kick-off, businesses grow, and people come together to learn and improve.


Date: October 27-30, 2024

Location: Portland, Oregon

Link: LavaCon 2024

This content strategy conference features content professionals sharing their best practices and strategies. It’s also an excellent chance to connect and foster relationships with other content experts.


Date: Nov 19 — 20, 2024

Location: San Diego, CA, United States

Link: brightonSEO

BrightonSEO stands out as the go-to event for those eager to dive deep into discussions led by experts in Search, Content, and Influencer Marketing. It’s a prime opportunity to learn from industry leaders, gather insights, and stay updated on the latest trends shaping these key areas of SEO.


The landscape of marketing and digital strategy offers many opportunities for professionals across various sectors. From specialized events like the Lead Generation Event to broader summits such as the MozCon and Content Strategy Conference, there’s a platform for every marketer to expand their knowledge, network with peers, and stay ahead of emerging trends. Whether it’s diving deep into AI innovations, mastering SEO, or exploring the future of digital analytics, these events serve as hubs for industry insights, collaboration, and growth. Attending these conferences not only enriches individual expertise but also helps businesses forward in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

“Marketing For Your Future” with Gaurav Mendiratta from SocioSquares

Cindy: Hello, and welcome to another episode of marketing for your future. I’m your host Cindy Ashraf from the daily ad brief coming to you from New York City. And on the other side of the country, from the San Francisco Bay area, we have Gaurav Mendiratta, and he is from sociosquares. 

Hello, Gaurav.

Rav: Hi, Cindy, thank you so much for having me.

Cindy: Oh, my goodness, we are so thrilled to have you on the show today. Tell us a little bit about your business.

best digital marketing strategy

Top 3 mistakes Travelers make when planning a vacation!



Rav: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the BNI success link Podcast. Today, we will talk about the top three mistakes people make when planning a vacation.

The official podcast of BNI success links your link to success.

Hello again, everyone. I’m your host, Rav Mendiratta from Sociosquares, when landing leads is where my business leads. Today we are going to talk about a very interesting subject. The top three mistakes travelers make when planning a vacation, and I have an expert on this space is Isabelle Choiniere-Correa. 

 Isabelle: Thank you.

Digital Marketing Agency & Local SEO

Can 5-Star Reviews Get You More Business?

It’s a commonly known fact that customers do not make purchase decisions without checking online reviews. After all, it’s better to be safe – by checking reviews and ascertaining the quality of the product or service before making a buy than to be sorry – after making a purchase and realizing the quality is not what one expected it to be. Now, if you think adding reviews is enough for your business, there’s another thing coming. An increasing number of customers now look for 5-star reviews amidst the sea of reviews available in the online space. This is because a 5-star review says this business has outperformed its competitors in providing products or services of high quality. A 5-star review says this business offers an experience that’s reliable and without parallel. Read on to know more about why your business should be focusing on getting more 5-star reviews.