employee advocacy platform

How to Create Engaging Content for Your Employee Advocacy Platform

According to TNW News, 38% of digital marketers say content marketing is one of their most effective tactics—but 42% call it one of the most difficult.

This doesn’t have to be the case.

With a few simple tips on how to create engaging content, you can increase usage of your employee advocacy platform and master employee advocacy like these companies did.

Here are our top 10 rules to create engaging content for your employee advocacy program.

Why ‘Employee Is King’ Should Be Your New Mantra

What does the phrase ‘word of mouth’ mean?

You tell a tale to your colleague, your colleague passes it on to his neighbor. She in turn tells her mother and her mother passes it to her husband. The husband casually brings it up in between a coffee break with his colleagues.

7 Employee Advocates Every Company Knows Too Well

You’ve heard about it, worked out the math, and reached a conclusion – employee advocacy is definitely for you.

Yes, the concept of increasing your brand’s social reach with your existing workforce seems like a brilliant and simple enough idea. But before you dive head first into the program, you should read our white paper on the 6 mistakes to avoid when launching an employee advocacy program. Seriously. You won’t regret it.

5 Companies That Have Mastered the Art of Employee Advocacy

By now, every marketeer worth his salt realizes the value of employee advocacy. Using your employees as marketing agents may seem like a fairly easy concept, but there are several ways your plan could fall flat.

Given its nascence, one of the best ways to succeed at an advocacy program is by following great examples.

Here, we list out some employee advocacy case studies of companies in different sectors that have gotten it down to a tee.